Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Low Back Pain, The Cause

Organic low back pain has only a few true generators; disc, joint, connective tissue, and nerve. Lumbar instability is a very key factor in each of these. When the five lumbar spinal segments become instable, a drastic increase in stress is placed on the four pain generators.

The lumbar spine consists of five motion segments and is responsible for bearing the weight of the entire upper body, approximately 60-75% of our total body weight.  The lordotic curvature of the lumbar spine allows for a dispersed axial load on each segment, and there is also an intervertebral disc lying between each spinal segment to allow for a cushion or shock absorption. With a plethora of ligamentous tissues running in strategic patterns to support the spinal segments, and a structured muscle group called “core” muscles in place to stabilize the lumbar spine, it is essential to maintain the integrity of these tissues to stabilize the spine, reduce aberrant motion, and decrease exacerbations of low back pain.

Ligament laxity and core muscle weakness are the primary culprits of lumbar instability, and they allow for anterior translation of a vertebrate in relation to the segment below. When the body notices this change in biomechanics, it calls on other muscles and tissues to stabilize the spine, because if this altered motion continues, it increases shear forces on each of the intervertebral discs, and increases the degenerative arthritis processes.

At New-Start Health Center, we use the most up-to-date research available to diagnose and treat any forms of spinal instability to fully restore proper biomechanics of the spinal segments. There are three specific orthopedic tests that will be performed during the physical examination that will confirm or rule out lumbar instability with over 90% accuracy. Typical treatment plans will allow each patient to understand what is causing their condition, and teach them how to correct it with everlasting results. Muscle strengthening, muscle stretching, soft tissue mobilization, and segmental joint manipulation are a few of the many treatment options that New-Start utilizes to restore the body to optimum function.

There are a few motion patterns that can raise your own suspicion of having some level of lumbar instability.

  • Do you feel like you have weak core strength?
  • Do you have a sedentary job?
  • Do you use your arms to help you stand from a sitting position?
  • Have you ever noticed a “popping” or “clicking” sound when you go into or come up from a bent over position?
  • Do you experience an increase in low back pain when you go into a bent over position?
  • Have you received regular chiropractic adjustments and are finding temporary or no relief?

If you have said yes to any those questions, you are most likely experiencing the start of instability of your lumbar spine, and you need to learn how to correct it. Call New-Start Health Center today (812) 799-0668 to learn more about lumbar instability, and how to correct it.

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